Unlock Your Hip Flexors Review – Is this program another scam?

I have come across this unique get-healthy program called the Unlock Your Hip Flexors. It is so unique that I do not even know what a hip flexor is. The program focuses on how to loosen the group of muscles called the Hip Flexors or psoas, found at the body’s lower part. It is called the Unlock Your Hip Flexor (psoas) which has its advantages over the usual exercise program that regular people are accustomed to.

I got so curios, that I bought the e-book for $50. I read different Unlock Your Hip Flexors reviews by people who have successfully got rid of back and joint pains. People mentioned that they started to lose belly fat, acquired more energy, and enhanced their sexual health. Authors of the program claim that with just 15 minutes of daily training, better health is enjoyed, and you can get rid of common health issues on the side.

Wait, what are hip flexors and why do we need to unlock it?

What are Hip Flexors? Well, they are the ones responsible for the smooth flow of movements of our upper bodies in complement to our lower bodies. It is said that our hips play into almost every movement made by our body. These muscles are engaged in almost all movement you make. When you walk, twist, bend, step, the list goes on. If you sit a lot, chances are you might be experiencing this already. You’ll start to feel so lazy and it’ll be so difficult to move.

What the program aims to do is to help people unlock hip flexors. Locked or tight hip flexors pull some parts of your pelvis forward. Of course, that would look and feel weird and might be a call to action. But that’s not the only problem here.

The hip flexors, to be simple is existent to balance our upper bodies to our lower bodies. If it’s weak, you can just think of the problems an individual might encounter. Bad posture, difficulty in walking, troubles standing up, etc.

Who is Rick Kaselj and why did he create this program?

Created and carefully designed by Rick Kaselj and Mike Weterdal, both are experts and experienced in the field of muscle building and physical fitness. Rick suffered from severe back injury when he was exercising the wrong way. So severe that it posed a threat to his professional career and made It difficult for him to lead a happy and painless life. He then started looking into different techniques and methods to overcome the crippling pain on his back. A registered Kisineologist and injury specialist. Together, they created the revolutionary program that would help people resolve their hip flexors problem.

What causes tight hip flexors?

In our day-to-day lives, a lot of us spend most of our days sitting down. Well, that’s the actual cause of tight hip flexors. If we sit for extensive time periods – especially for employees, then chances are tight hip flexors are just right around the corner. Other effects of too much sitting down include:

  • Unhealthy digestion
  • Heightened risk of cancer
  • Posture problems
  • Walking difficulty
  • Increased risk of high blood pressure, heart diseases, and diabetes

what’s it all about?

The entire program is created by 2 experts in physical fitness and muscle building. Basically, it’s made to help and unlock hip flexors of people who has it. The entire package consists of two main parts:

Main Unlock Your Tight Hip Flexors (This has a PDF, vide instructions, and a follow along workout routine).

The first part has a total of 10 workouts for your Hip Flexors. These are helpful for the psoas which connects the upper parts of our bodies to the lower. The program is for 21 minutes and in that, we’ll see Rick Kaselj together with an assistant, showing us each movement.

The video program specifically gives us 10 workout routines – those are: Static Stretching, Stability Exercises, 3D Core, Mobility Exercises, PNF Stretching, Fascia Stretching. It also includes different movements to activate our muscles.

In addition to that, there’s also a 63-page PDF that discusses the importance of the hip flexors; well it discusses what effects it has if you have tight psoas.

Unlock Your Tight Hamstrings (This has a PDF, Videos of Coaching Exercise, and a Follow Along workout routine)

The second part consists of 9 5-minute exercises. The workout routines included here are: Eccentric Training, Movements to activate muscles, 3D Stability and Core Exercises, Dynamic Stretching, Static Stretching, and Isometric Strengthening.

Testimonials from customers

People who purchased the package all have one thing to say – the program is legit and that it’s helped them and their family live a better and more comfortable lives. A lot of bad Unlock Your Hip Flexors reviews are all over the net, maybe they’re those people who’re not advised to do exercises; maybe they weren’t disciplined enough so it wasn’t effective for them – we don’t know.

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Do I need equipment to do these exercises?

This is a simple exercise, therefore, no need for a special tool or equipment. All you need is a sports mat and a thick book/step stair or a foam board. According to some Unlock Your Hip Flexors reviews, the exercises are so easy that it can be done anywhere!

Can anyone do the exercises?

If you had a hip replacement surgery, then this is not suitable for you. Unless you consult your healthcare professional first to try and ask if you can, then you should not. Other than that, this is suitable for people who suffer from back, hip or joint pain. Suitable for people of all ages. Maybe this is the reason why some people think of it as a scam – because they’re not free to do different exercises without consulting their therapists.

Unlock Your Hip Flexors benefits

The following are the benefits you get from the program:

  • Bad posture is corrected
  • Reduce strain by stretching the muscle on the hip flexors
  • Improves circulatory system and energizes your rather sluggish day-to-day life
  • Better sleep
  • Strength and power during exercise

Pros of the Unlock Your Hip Flexors program:

  • Easy to perform
  • No gym membership or expensive equipment required
  • Price is reasonable
  • Can be done even with limited space
  • Safe even or beginners
  • Can be done in 10-15 minutes
  • Clear, simple, yet brief and informative
  • 60-days money back guarantee, with no questions asked

Cons of the Unlock Your Hip Flexors program:

  • Manuals have technical terms
  • Only in digital format
  • Cannot be done by people who had gone through hip replacement

What are the features and bonuses included if you buy the package?

  • Unlock Hip Flexors video Coaching, Manual (PDF)
  • Unlock Your Tight Hamstring Video Coaching, Manual (PDF)
  • The Ultimate 7-Day Anti-inflammatory Diet Manual PDF

So is unlock Your Hip Flexors just another scam?

Definitely not a scam – worth every penny. What makes it more legit is that the creators of the program have vast knowledge and experience in the field of muscle building and physical fitness. With no non-sense, clear instructions with simple yet detailed explanations. Suitable not only for beginners, but also for sportsmen and people of all ages. Try reading Unlock Your Hip Flexors reviews  from different people who actually bought the package – they’re all satisfied.

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